Tuesday, May 11, 2010
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Friday, May 7, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
When C.Imbert arrived in
He planted his vineyard in 1964 (he chose the toughest area) on reclaimed scrubland in the hills above Porto Vecchio. To the low-quality high-yields varietals prevailing at that time, he preferred the almost forgotten local grape varietals Sciaccarellu, Niellucciu and Vermentinu. He explains: “I looked around at all of the mediocre wine that was being made with these imported grape varieties and I thought to myself: if I want to make a distinctive wine here, I’m going to have to use the native grape varieties.”
He has been producing consistently excellent wines for over two decades now, including some of the most age-worthy Corsican red wines made. This is a particularly amazing fact, since none of his wines, red or white, are aged in oak barrels; he considers the addition of oak to be uncharacteristic of traditional Corsican wine.
Nowadays, his older son Marc is anxious to build on his father’s work, which includes manual weed control with hoes, not chemicals, and harvesting the grapes by hand. The only treatment they use for controlling mildew in their certified-organic vineyard is bouillie bordelaise, what is known as the “Bordeaux mixture,” a lime-copper-sulfate-water mix, and a sulfur spray. He says that the style of his father’s wines have evolved over the years. “His first wines were more about opulence and making a statement.” He adds “his wines have been more finessed and balanced. We must avoid, at all cost, making wines with a ‘standardized’ taste. Our wines should have the individuality and specificity of this place, and that is where I hope to continue my father’s work.”
By Juliette
Prior to building his vineyard in Corsica in 1964, Christian Imbert led a nomad life in Chad then in Africa. After numerous experiences in all over the world, he discovered Corcisa and chose to locate his vineyard in this land of predilection: 300 days of sunshine in a typical year, magnificent views of the Mediterranean.
First of all, he was dazzled by the wild side of the landscape and its unkindness. Then, he was convinced that he could make profits from this land and produce good wines. However, it was both dangerous and ingenious to work on this kind on land. Indeed, in the south, the ground is very rude. He explained that he looked around at all wines which were low-quality produced so he wanted to make his wine more distinctive.
Christian Imbert is audacious and passionate in what he does. He arrived in Corsica and planted his vineyard on reclaimed scrubland in the hills above Porto Vecchio in 1964. Thanks to his determination and his perseverance, he succeeded to establish himself as a recognized winemaker.
Today, his son Marc plans to continue building on his father’s work. However, he is apprehensive about how to rule this business. He explains that the styles and techniques of his father have evolved and he has to deal with. He has the mission to keep their wines individuals and specifics and it is this uniqueness that they strive for.
By Isabelle
On his domain, Christian Imbert combines with passion his 2 loves: the vineyard and the olive tree. Why the olive tree? Because it represents the symbol of peace.
He owns more than 5000 olive plants on a 25 hectare area which 16 hectares are in St-Cyprien.
We use Picholine olives, the most widely available variety of olives in France.
The tree generally needs another olive tree for good pollination. The olives are small to medium-sized, and pointed at one end. The pit is smooth, but the chewy, fruity flesh clings to it.
The olives are grown for making both oil and green olives from.
As table olives, they are cured in brine, resulting in a mild but slightly-salty taste. Some of these are marinated in oil with herbs and spices afterwards; some are pickled in citric acid.
The oil content of the olives is only medium-range, 20 to 22%. Sometimes, under irrigation, it can drop as low as 15 to 18%.
Before being pressed for oil, the olives are allowed to ripen to black on the trees.
One of the most important grapes is Nielluccio, a variety thought to be a close cousin of
By Juliette
Torraccia Rose
Torraccia Blanc
Chilled as an aperitif or with seafood.
Best drunk within its first 2-3 years.
Torraccia Rouge
Oriu Rose
Tasting notes
Oriu Blanc
Tasting notes
Oriu vintage
The vineyard
In a natural area located between sea and mountains, a 43 hectares-vineyards only planted in noble grapes, most of them were former Corsican plant, constitute the Domaine de Torraccia. This wonderful landscape was carved by the impressive and charismatic Christian Imbert 38 years ago. It is situated on hillsides granite arena, 10kms far from Porto Vecchio.
Vineyards are ploughed and worked by hand on the row. Every year, in September, rows are alternately sowed of lupine or vesce and rye which, ploughed in in March, are transformed into humus.
The only used treatment products are used “bouillie bordelaise” and “souffre-fleur”. Thus, the vineyard keeps its natural balance and produce healthy grapes giving a maximum of aromas, insuring a yield less than 45 hl.
By Isabelle
To understand the history of Domaine de Torraccia and the wine, it is important to first understand C.Imbert values’ and philosophy// the values and philosophy of C. Imbert; a colorful and unique Corsican winemaker.
The octogenarian Christian Imbert is a flamboyant first generation of winemakers; he is a tall imposing man, with a booming voice. He is opinionated, fearless and passionate about everything he does. Without those qualities, he would never have achieved all that he has achieved today.
Before becoming a winemaker, he lived a nomadic existence in
In 1964, he moved to
C.Imbert, is a true lover of
By Juliette
Torraccia is a domaine of 43 hectares of vineyards, 25 hectares of olive trees and magnificent view of the
This beautifulCorsican domain was gained by high fight on the scrubland and the granite. Born wines of this hard labour possess the character of this earth and the generosity of the man which raised them. A generosity which it shows in his commitment without limit for the promotion of the Wine of Corsica through "UVACORSE", an association which counts in its rows quality wine growers large number and which organizes a competition to the restaurant owners, the wine bars and the wine stewards.
By Juliette